Like his gift, Christopher Allan's story is unique. Born in Bogota, Columbia, he was an orphan like so many children in the poverty stricken capital of South America. But, when a well deserving family from New York, who struggled to conceive a child of their own, were shown a picture of this child who needed a home, they immediately sensed a connection. At two months old, Christopher was adopted and could live a life full of love and family. As normal a life his new family tried to give him, his path would seem to still take the route of unconventional.

Christopher would often stay at his grandparents' house in Babylon, NY, while both parents worked during the day. It was in this house that Christopher began feeling spirits around him, sensing there were more than just his grandparents living there. He would often hear voices telling him stories about his family. Christopher thought he would get in trouble if he shared these stories at first. They were about people from the past that always seemed to make the family get emotional.
In school, Christopher recalls seeing more adults in the classroom than students, which were a constant distraction, yet it was never seen as frightening. As a young boy, Christopher became attached to his grandmother Grace, whom he shared an unspoken bond with. She had a rough life growing up & accredited her intuition for guiding her though life's hardships. Trusting one's intuition is one of the many gifts his grandmother gave to him.
It's these strong family values he was raised with that are now the driving force behind his work as a psychic today.
But what makes Christopher Allan stand out above the rest is that he knows, first hand, what it feels like to never say goodbye. In the winter of 1996, that same grandmother would suffer a massive stroke, only to fall into a coma soon after. The family didn't allow young Christopher to visit her hospital room. She died the day after Christmas that year. Not being able to say farewell only added his his own grief & suffering.
Soon after, Christopher's grandmother Grace visited him in his sleep. "She looked 20 years younger and with a big smile, she told me to tell the family 'I'm still here'. She told me I was to do so because as I get older, it would be my job to say those words to others." Christopher explains.
Though unclear at the time, it doesn't take much to see that Christopher has lived up to his grandmother's words. Christopher Allan has made it his priority to give people closure through his readings. With great passion and a warmth in his voice, many say it is as if they are having one last conversation with their lost loved one. Christopher Allan has showed us that there is no such thing as goodbye.